Well this was a new one for me. It is Sunday, April 12, 2020, Easter Sunday. And it snowed. In all of my 61 years on this planet, I never saw snow on the ground, on Easter, before today. Back in Nashville, Tennessee we hardly ever get snow, even during the winter months of January and February. So it was a pleasant surprise to see the ground covered with the white stuff. We got a few inches yesterday. The forecast was for 4-6 inches. I don’t know if we got that much, but the grass was definitely covered. Funny, though, the streets and even the sidewalks were not. I’ve added some pictures of what the ground looked like this morning, and then some shots of what it was like during the afternoon. This time of year, when it snows, the frozen precipitation doesn’t hang around very long.

A snowy Easter in Montana; April 12, 2020
What happens after the sun comes out in Billings.

The above photos were from about 7 AM this morning. These pics are from 5 PM. Big Difference! The high temperature was only in the mid-20s today. So, it never got above freezing, yet you can see grass. And, the streets and sidewalk are dry.

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