Glacier National Park 2021: God’s Autumn Extravaganza!

Gooooodddddd Morrrrnniinggggg Americcccaaaa! Well, it took longer than I thought it would, but then again, I had to sift through around 1,500 photographs to come up with an acceptable amount for my Glacier National Park 2021: God’s Autumn Extravaganza Blog. That, and of course actually writing the text. But now it is done. Starting tomorrow, I will be posting a 6-part blog about my trip to Glacier National Park at the end of September 2021 with my brother Doug and our good friend, Steve. Doug and I visited Glacier briefly when we first moved to Montana in October 2018. The projected campaign to the park with our good friend Becky in 2019 was wiped out be an early fall snowstorm that dropped four feet, that’s right I said 4 feet of snow on the eastern half of the park. And the 2020 campaign never even got started due to the pandemic. Although the western part of the park was belatedly opened (and we did get to visit in late October), the eastern half was kept shut down due to the Blackfeet Nation refusing admission through their reservation. So, this year we were hoping for a special display of fall color. God did not disappoint us. In fact, many people have been commenting that this year’s aspen display was the best in a long time.
I got a brief glimpse of what I would see in July when my good friends Karen and Wayne visited from back home. We took a four-day trip, in which I got to play tour-guide for my Tennessee friends. Of course, it wasn’t fall, and everything was green, but that just made it that much better. I was able to do some strategic reconnaissance since Wayne was driving and I had time to really look out. It was especially nice, because I got to see the Many Glacier area of the park, an area that has been referred to as “the Switzerland of America.” We were not able to see this part of the park, in our September trip, due to on-going road construction that shut down the road in the middle of September.
We left Billings on Monday, September 27, 2021, and returned on Saturday, October 2, 2021. Those six days with my brother and Steve, were special days. The good Lord was truly working magic with his paint brush! I hope you enjoy viewing these photographs as much as I liked taking them.