History: A Love or Hate Relationship

I love History. It’s the one discipline that I genuinely enjoyed in school. Whether it was 11th Grade American History, in high school, or any of the fourteen courses I took while in college, I never tired of a history class. Most people, I have learned, do not like history. The majority, I think, downright hate history. And it’s a shame; those people constantly make the same mistakes over and over again, because they refuse to learn from history. When I first started blogging, I was going to name my website Bobs Montana Blog. Since I wanted it to be much more than just a blog about Montana, however, I decided on the name Bobs Rocky Mountain Blog, or bobsrockymountainblog.com. Although I live in Montana, I knew that my blog would eventually have several categories, so I needed it to be more far-reaching. Now that I have gotten a good start with my Rocky Mountain photography, a new topic will be history, particularly the history of the “old west.” As such, I have decided to dust off some old papers from my college days and share them with you. The United States Expands: The Lewis and Clark Expedition is the first of these articles.

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