SPRING IS IN THE AIR! My 2019 Glacier National Park Trip Introduction
My 2019 Glacier National Park Trip

Hello everybody. Welcome back to BobsRockyMountainBlog. Now that you have had time to look at, and hopefully read, my first blog, A Tale of Two Times: The Grand Tetons; Then and Now! it’s time to dive into my 2019 excursion to Glacier National Park. Spring is in the Air! My 2019 Glacier National Park Trip is about the three wonderful days I spent during the middle of June, traveling to Glacier National Park, the time spent in the park and then my journey back home. Since I was not able to return to Glacier during the fall as previously planned, I am very happy to have made this trip.
As stated in A Tale of Two Times, my favorite location, among all places to visit, are the Teton Mountains in northwestern Wyoming. My first multi-day trip of 2019, however, was to Glacier National Park, which is over 400 miles to the northwest of Billings, Montana. The reason for this trip was to get another crack at the Wild Goose Island Overlook inside Glacier. And it’s a long day’s journey from Billings to the southern border of Canada. One can be in Yellowstone National Park in two and a half hours (northeast entrance via the Beartooth Highway) to three hours (north entrance by way of Paradise Valley and Gardiner, Montana) or (east entrance by way of Cody, Wyoming), but it’s a long haul to the eastern side of Glacier National Park. Since I was going to combine Yellowstone National Park with a tour through the Grand Tetons, that could be saved for later.